Our Services

Our Services

PCN Services

Care Co-ordinators

What is Care Coordination?

Having many health conditions or seeking support for a mental health condition can mean that you see a variety of health and social care professionals. A care coordinator wants to make sure individuals have the fastest and best-quality service with continuity.

An integrated approach – the importance of team working and care coordination. Integration of health and social care level is critical in delivering effective care planning. Multidisciplinary team working is crucial to ensure an integrated approach to personalised care planning, especially for those with complex care needs that are more likely to require care from a range of different agencies/health and social care staff. Collaborative working is also vital to ensure that all staff can deliver high quality care.

When is care coordination appropriate?

  • Think about the trigger events that could initiate the appointment of a care coordinator. These could include A high number of different staff groups/ agencies involved in supporting the individual.
  • Where intervention will be required over a long period of time
  • When the level of need increases and multiple services are required
  • Experiencing a high number of unplanned emergency admissions
  • On discharge from hospital.
  • Have chronic health conditions and/or complex healthcare needs.
  • Would benefit from care coordination and self-management support.
  • Palliative care/ End of Life.

Care Co-ordinators will:

  • Proactively identify and work with people in need of additional support.
  • Provide coordination and navigation of care and support across health and care services.
  • Act as a central point of contact.
  • Work alongside the social prescribing link workers and health and wellbeing coaches to enrich the skill mix of primary care teams.
  • Will liaise with all services to ensure a joined up working process.
  • Review patients’ needs and help them access community services.
  • Mapping the individuals needs and aligning this to community specialist services.
  • Work with social prescribing link workers health, wellbeing coaches and other professionals where appropriate to provide continuity in care.
  • Providing time, capacity and expertise to support people in preparing for or following-up clinical conversations they have.
  • Providing access to information and resources to help build knowledge, confidence and skills to manage own health and empower the Individual.
  • Liaising with other professionals on a need to know basis.
  • Clearly mapping out your story and your needs.
  • Providing links to information that can help with an individual’s health journey.

Care coordination ends when there is agreement from all concerned that the individual’s needs are stable and care planning is functioning well.

Clinical Pharmacist

Pharmacist role in the GP practices is a good examples of innovative practice in primary care that integrate the skills of pharmacists as part of coordinated care to improve patient outcomes and safety whilst also reducing prescribing and downstream care costs.

Pharmacist role is delivered in a number of ways:

  • Enhanced role for the pharmacist in a community pharmacy through arrangements for sessional working within GP practices or care homes.
  • Partnership with GP surgeries.

Pharmacists  work very closely with GPs  within our network and placed to support their fellow professionals and improve the quality of care for patients by :

  • Working with GPs and patients to address medicine adherence.
  • Reviewing patients on complex medicine regimens.
  • Triaging and managing common ailments.
  • Responding to acute medicine requests.
  • Managing and prescribing for long-term conditions (often with the practice nurses).
  • Dealing with medication for patients recently discharged from hospital.
  • Helping the practice deliver on the QIPP ( Quality Indicators) and QOF (Quality Outcome Frame work) agenda and enhanced services
  • Delivering repeat prescription reviews.
  • Being the point of contact for all medicine-related queries
  • Overseeing the practice’s repeat prescription policy.
  • Taking over clinical medicines reviews from GPs.
  • Audit and education.
  • Medicines management.

In dispensing practices, pharmacists can take responsibility for the business management of the dispensary.

First Contact Physiotherapist

Musculoskeletal First Contact Practitioners (FCP) are Specialist Physiotherapists by background with considerable experience and expertise in identifying and managing musculoskeletal conditions.

This means that rather than you having to wait to see the doctor first with your bone, joint or muscle pain you can now have direct access to our Specialist Physiotherapists.

The FCP role will allow you to be seen by the right person at the right time for your condition so that you can achieve your desired outcome in less time.

The appointments will be for 20 minutes where you will be assessed and the appropriate treatment pathway will be decided upon via telephone and or face to face.

The appointments are not for hands on treatment as such but the majority of musculoskeletal problems can be sorted out with advice and exercise prescription allowing you to self-manage and improve your symptoms.

If you require onward referral to specialist services or for clinical tests such as x-rays or bloods you can be referred directly by the FCP.

What we are seeing nationally in pilot studies is that after patients see an FCP, just 5% of patients choose to see a GP afterwards and 96% would recommend the service to friends and family.

If you feel you have bone, joint or muscle pain and want to see the FCP please speak to our reception staff.

Meet The First Contact Physiotherapist

Meet Jarmanjit Singh, Your Coventry Navigation PCN First Contact Physiotherapist.

Did you know Coventry Navigation PCN has a highly qualified First Contact Physiotherapist (FCP) available to see you without a GP referral? In this video, meet Jarmanjit Singh and learn how he can help you get back to feeling your best!

Jarmanjit specializes in Musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions and can:

  • Assess your pain or injury
  • Order X-rays or MRIs if needed
  • Develop a personalized treatment plan to get you moving again
  • Refer you to a hospital specialist if necessary

Don’t wait to address your pain! Talk to your GP surgery reception team about booking an appointment with Jarmanjit Singh, your friendly and knowledgeable FCP!

Paramedic Practitioner

A Paramedic Practitioner working in general practice is a highly skilled healthcare professional who brings their emergency medical expertise into primary care settings. They work alongside GPs to assess, diagnose, and treat a wide range of conditions, from acute issues to minor injuries.

One of the stand out qualities of our paramedic practioners is their ability to see patients that are housebound. Our paramedics can examine, diagnose and offer treatment to those who cannot come to practice. Whilst they are there, they may perform general checks such as checking blood pressures or requesting blood tests. In other words, a welfare check.

Their role helps to ease pressure on general practices by offering a unique skill set and contributing to a more efficient healthcare delivery.

Please be aware, our paramedics will not see any child under the age of 5 years and they cannot see anyone pregnant unfortunately.

What are Acute issues?

Acute illnesses generally develop suddenly and last a short time, often only a few days or weeks. Acute conditions are often caused by a virus or an infection but can also be caused by an injury resulting from a fall or an accident, or by misusing or experiencing side effects of medications.

Examples are as follows:

  • Chest Infections
  • Coughs
  • Colds
  • Ear Infections
  • Fevers
  • Flu-like Symptoms
  • Gastrointestinal Issues (Abdominal Pains, Constipation, Irritable Bowel Syndrome etc.)
  • Muscular-skeletal pains (Arm pains, Back Aches, Leg strains etc.)
  • Oral Infections
  • Skin Infections
  • Sore Throats
  • Tonsillitis
  • Viral Infections
  • Urinary Tract Infections

Meet Connor, our PCN Paramedic!

Digital & Transformation

This team is all about using technology to make your healthcare experience smoother and more convenient. They’re behind the local NHS App Road Show and they’ve helped prepare the Practices for GP Record access online. They also work on new ways to use technology to improve processes that streamline back-office operations, freeing up staff time to focus on your care.

Physician Associate

A Physician Associate supports Doctors in diagnosing and managing long term conditions by taking medical histories from patients and performing physical examinations. As part of the role these skills include;

  • Take medical histories from patients
  • Carry out physical examinations
  • See patients with undifferentiated diagnoses
  • See patients with long-term chronic conditions
  • Formulate differential diagnoses and management plans
  • Perform diagnostic and therapeutic procedures
  • Develop and deliver appropriate treatment and management plans
  • Request and interpret diagnostic studies
  • Provide health promotion and disease prevention advice for patients.

Social Prescribers

Social prescribing, sometimes referred to as community referral, is a means of enabling GPs, nurses and other primary care professionals to refer people to a range of local, non-clinical services.

Recognising that people’s health is determined primarily by a range of social, economic and environmental factors, social prescribing seeks to address people’s needs in a holistic way. It also aims to support individuals to take greater control of their own health.

There are many different models for social prescribing, but most involve a link worker or navigator who works with people to access local sources of support. Coventry Navigation1 has a social prescribers who links with the partner practices. social prescriber work with patients, often over several sessions, to help them get involved in local services.

Social prescribing is designed to support people with a wide range of social, emotional or practical needs, and many schemes are focussed on improving mental health and physical well-being. Those who could benefit from social prescribing schemes include people with mild or long-term mental health problems, vulnerable groups, people who are socially isolated, and those who frequently attend either primary or secondary health care.

Covid-19 Vaccination Programme

Coventry Navigation 1 is offering COVID Vaccination Spring boosters for Over 75 years and if you are in an at risk category.

People aged 75 years and older, residents in care homes for older people, and those aged 12 years and over with a weakened immune system will be offered a Spring booster of coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine.

Parents and carers of 5 to 11 years olds will be able to book a COVID vaccine for their children, as the biggest and most successful vaccination programme in NHS history expands again.

The service will open on Saturday as drop in or  bookings appointments online booking service  or through your own GP practice

Clinics are held at COCHC  (city of Coventry health centre)

The NHS is making the vaccine available for all 5 to 11s following updated JCVI guidance, which recommended all children would benefit from a non-urgent offer of the vaccine, with almost five million now eligible.

Who is being offered an autumn booster?

COVID-19 is more serious in older people and in people with certain underlying health conditions.

This winter it is expected that many respiratory infections, including COVID-19 and flu may be circulating at high levels – this may put increasing pressure on hospitals and other health care services. For these reasons, people aged 50 years and over, those in care homes, and those aged 5 years and over in clinical risk groups are being offered an autumn booster of COVID-19 vaccine.

A booster will also be offered to front-line health and social care staff, those who care for vulnerable individuals and families of individuals with weakened immune systems.

The autumn booster is being offered to those at high risk of the complications of COVID-19 infection, who may have not been boosted for a few months. As the number of COVID-19 infections increases over the winter, this booster should help to reduce your risk of being admitted to hospital with COVID-19.

The booster may also provide some protection against mild Omicron infection but such protection does not last for long.

Enhanced Access

Coventry Navigation 1 is offering extra appointments through their Enhanced Access Clinic to all patients of Clay Lane Medical Practice. You can book an appointment with GPs, nurses, and other allied health professionals outside of normal opening hours, including the weekends.

Enhanced Access is about giving you the convenience and choice to have your appointment at a time that better suits you or based on your needs. Enhanced access appointments are delivered through “hubs.” This may mean you need to travel to a different practice than your own if you decide to book an enhanced access appointment.

Coventry Navigation 1 had started enhanced hours clinics from June 2022. Regular Saturday clinics will be delivered from COCHC and Clay Lane Health Centre. Specialist clinics for renal and heart failure consultant, Women’s health clinics on Saturday will also be delivered.

Please Note: All Extended access appointments are booked via your GP practice.

Enhanced Access Clinic opening times:

Monday6:30pm till 8:00pm
Tuesday6:30pm till 8:00pm
Wednesday6:30pm till 8:00pm
Thursday6:30pm till 8:00pm
Friday6:30pm till 8:00pm
Saturday9:00am till 5:00pm

Non-urgent advice: Need to cancel Enhanced Access Appointment

If you do not require your Enhanced Access Appointment, please do cancel your appointment so someone else can use it.
If your practice is still open, please call them to cancel it.
If your practice is closed, please call the following number to cancel: 07709245572

Healthy Lifestyles Clinics

Do you want to make permanent lifestyle changes and be happier and healthier?

Would you like help and support with your journey?

Would you like to be part of a free local community to help you achieve your goals?

Then Healthy Lifestyle Group Clinics are perfect for you!

Based at Godiva Group Practice on the Stoney Stanton Road, our Healthy Lifestyle Group clinics will teach you how to make permanent lifestyle changes to improve your general health, wellbeing and fitness, and help prevent and better manage a wide range of physical and mental health conditions.  Healthy Lifestyle Group Clinics are open to all patients registered to a Practice under Coventry Navigation1 Primary Care Network.

The clinics consist of 3 sessions (1 session per week, each lasting 1 hour), that will empower you to make long-term positive changes to various aspects of your lifestyle. After each session we have a 30 minute walk and talk in the local park.

Session 1 – Healthy Lifestyle

In this session you find out who we are and we find out who you are! We explore who you are as a person and what makes you tick. We look to find out what your goals and aspirations are plus what challenges you face. With this information we can tailor the sessions to ensure you get the most out of them. We will explore what elements make up a Healthy Lifestyle, and how they impact your life.

Session 2 – Nutrition (NOT diet) and Activity

In this session we will look at nutrition and activity. We explain nutrition in simple terms, and take the confusion and misinformation out of healthy eating. We will explore what the body needs in terms of nutrition, and the best way to obtain it. We will explore activity and exercise, how it is impacted by the food that we eat, and the substantial benefits that activity and exercise has on health and wellbeing (it’s not just about weight loss).

Session 3 – Barriers and Support

In the final session we will look at what barriers and difficulties you may face in making lifestyle changes, how to overcome them and use long-term intervention techniques to stay on course to a happy and healthier lifestyle. We will also discuss what is important to you as an individual, and offer help and support through our Social Prescribing Team.

Rules for the sessions

The sessions are non-judgmental and relaxed. One of our main rules is ‘be kind to yourself and to others’. We all have good & bad days and making lifestyle changes can be really hard! We look forward to welcoming you to our sessions.

How to register your interest

Spaces are going fast, so to join the next available group, please click on the link below and complete the form to register your interest. We will then send you a confirmation email once you are booked on.

Follow the link below to book your place!

Healthy Lifestyle Group Clinics – Booking Form

Please ensure you let us know if you are no longer able to attend booked sessions. We can always book you onto future sessions.

Partner Services


Online mental wellbeing counselling support for young people.

Your online mental wellbeing community
Free, safe and anonymous support

Click here to view their information leaflet

Talking Therapies

NHS Talking Therapies is a free NHS service to help people with mild, moderate and moderate to severe symptoms of anxiety and low mood.

If you are currently registered with a GP in Coventry, Warwickshire or Solihull and are over the age of 16 years old and suffering with low mood and anxiety you can self-refer.

Citizen Advice

The Citizens Advice service helps people to resolve their problems. As the UK’s largest advice provider we are equipped to deal with any issue, from anyone, spanning debt and employment to consumer and housing plus everything in between.

Eye Screening Patient Portal

Click here access the patient portal for your diabetic eye screening appointments. here you can view, amend, cancel your appointments

Local Services

Age UK

“Our focus, more than ever, is on the older people who need us the most. Too many older people are living in poverty or just above the poverty line. Too many find themselves without the care and support they desperately need. Too many have no one to turn to.”


Grief can be overwhelming. You don’t have to deal with it alone.

Our helpline is run by trained bereavement volunteers, who offer emotional support to anyone affected by grief.


Even though 1 in 4 people have mental health problems, most of us don’t get the help we need. This has to change. We’re Mind. We’re here to fight for mental health. For support, for respect, for you.

Healthy Lifestyles

At Healthy Lifestyles Coventry, our team are on hand to support you with Stop Smoking, Weight Management, Physical Activity and Alcohol Reduction.